1         2   
3      4    5      
8       9     10    


1. First place, second place, ___ place.
3. Finish what you ___.
6. Start the race at the starting ___ and finish at the finish ___.
7. A marathon is a foot ___. People ___ horses, cars, and boats.
8. The race ___s at the finish line.
11. ___s and girls go to school together.
12. Most people wear ___ in the summer. They wear long pants in the winter.
13. Three ___s three = nine. 3 X 3 = 9.


1. People run around a race ___. Cars drive around a race ___.
2. The winner comes in first ___. The loser comes in last ___.
3. Wear socks and ___ for a foot race.
4. Yesterday, ___, tomorrow.
5. A ___ = 5,280 feet. A jet goes 500 ___s per hour.
9. The winner runs ___. The loser runs slow.
10. ___ here. Go there. He ___s in third place.