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1. He fills out the ___ form.
4. There are many kinds of ___s. People fill out ___s every day.
5. That form is out of ___. This form is up to ___.
7. People talk on the ___ every day.
9. The ___ code for Macy's in New York City is 10001.
10. The ___ at airports is tight. Guards and police are everywhere.
13. She ___s her name at the bottom of the form.
14. He has a ___ security number. It is 123-45-6789.


2. The U.S. Postal Service uses ZIP ___s to deliver mail.
3. Her lucky ___ is 8.
6. The author ___s articles for magazines.
7. She ___s her name clearly. Then she signs her name.
8. The ___ of Macy's is 151 W 34th St., NY, NY 10001.
11. She has a smart phone. He has a ___ phone.
12. He ___s the glass with water. She ___s out the form.