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1. Can you blow ___s with your ___ gum?
3. He ___ped on the ice and fell down.
5. ___ = very small. "___ Bubbles" is the name of a famous song.
6. He ___d his nose shut with two fingers.
7. Could he get ___ of the tiny bubble?
9. He tried to ___ his head quickly back and forth.
11. A ___ dog shakes its head and body to get rid of the water.


2. Do rude people ___ you? Does loud noise ___ you?
4. People like to go ___ skating in the winter.
6. Don't ___ anything in your ear smaller than your finger.
8. Be careful--puddles in the street might be ___er than you think. You might get your shoes and feet wet.
10. He ___ his head when he fell down.