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1. ___s are everywhere; they are full of teachers and students.
4. A bad ___ is better than no ___. You can't pay your bills without a ___.
6. A ___ is an announcement. People pass out ___s for others to read.
8. Can you ___ how a homeless person feels? What is your description?
10. A. How long does this class ___? B. It ___s 8 weeks.
11. A homeless ___ has no home.
12. Cars drive on the street; people walk on the ___ next to the street..


2. If you don't have a home, you are a ___ person.
3. A school ___s many different classes to students.
5. A ___ school teaches students how to cut hair.
7. A ___ school teaches students many different jobs.
9. The ___ lasts 8 weeks. Students go to ___ 5 days a week.