Story 006

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1. What's the difference between a motel and a ___?
3. If you don't lock your car, it might get ___.
6. The movie was so bad that I walked out before it ___.
8. People in big cities often complain of ___ brutality.
9. 'Laura, you are the woman ___ me,' Mike said.
12. If you are in the back of a line, you can't wait to get to the ___.
13. ___ Los Angeles is busy and crowded during the day, but much less so at night.
14. The thief was here, but nothing of value was ___.
15. 'Hope ___s eternal.'
16. I woke up. ___ I got out of bed. I got dressed, and ___ I went to work.
18. Sport utility vehicle.
20. I'll meet you ___ the corner of Lake and Colorado ___ noon.
23. If you drink a whole ___ of 'Jack,' you'll be drunk as a skunk.
24. He was a handsome actor who always played the ___ man.
25. After the breakup, she ___ all his stupid love letters into the trash can.
26. 'Jack Daniels' is the name of a popular ___.


2. Peanuts are like potato chips--you can't eat just ___.
4. I answered all the questions correctly ___ one. That one was tricky.
5. It was an ___ weekend for me. I didn't go anywhere or do anything.
7. ___ people obey the law ___ of the time.
10. The city of Los Angeles is in Los Angeles ___.
11. If you get hurt in a traffic accident, you will be taken to a ___.
17. Make sure you ___ all the pockets before you wash your clothes.
19. Take the 210 ___ to the 605 to the 10 to the 405 to the airport.
21. Police ___ criminals every day, but sometimes they don't catch them.
22. The police arrest almost no one because the ___s are so overcrowded.