Story 009

 1         2    3       
4         5          
   6    7            
10         11    12        
  13      14           
     16         17    18   
     20      21        


2. Sometimes you have to 'read ___ the lines' to understand something fully.
4. 'One ___ all, all ___ one.'
7. '___' is the usual name all over (well, most of) the world for 'soccer.'
8. 'Don't shoot until you see the whites of ___ eyes.'
9. I'll ___ a dollar to a doughnut on that.
10. Don't ___ your boss an angry email. Write it, just don't ___ it.
11. Is it a vegetable or a fruit?
14. Elementary ___, high ___, ___ of fish.
15. 'Could have, ___ have, should have.'
16. ___ five, ___ times, ___ on life.
20. 3:50 is also ___ (minutes) to 4.
21. Christmas and Thanksgiving are ___ holidays.
22. Moms are always telling kids to eat their ___s.


1. '___ in space.' '___ in thought.'
3. 'Take one for the ___.' 'There's no 'I' in ___.' 'A ___ effort.'
5. 'Couch ___.'
6. --Are you ___, Eddie? --Yes, I'm ___, Betty. --OK, then, let's go.
7. ___ pans are used for cooking and sometimes as weapons.
9. Coffee comes in a cup, soup comes in a ___.
10. Peanut butter and jelly ___, ham ___, Earl of ___.
12. ___ of a town, governor of a state, president of a nation.
13. The two mayors made a bet on the ___ of the game.
14. 'The greatest invention since ___d bread.'
17. '___ for ___, he is the greatest boxer ever.'
18. In restaurants, there should be a sneeze guard over the ___ ingredients.
19. 'You ___ your bed, now you must sleep in it.'