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3. Some words are easy to ___. "Cat" is ___ed C-A-T.
4. Can you ___ a circle? It is easy to ___ with a pencil.
5. A. What color is an ___? B. It's ___.
7. His teacher was ___. She wasn't ugly.
9. A ___ is a delicious fruit with a big seed in it.
11. Everyone likes ___ people. ___ people have many friends.


1. A. Thank you very much. B. You're very ___.
2. I am in school. I'm in third ___. Next year I'll be in fourth ___.
3. A. What did she say? B. She ___ thank you.
6. An ___ pie is made from red ___s.
8. My son is ___, but my father is old.
10. If you ___ two and two, you get four.