122. Couch Potatoes

More and more people in the United States becoming couch potatoes. This doesn't mean that they turning into a root that can be cooked eaten. The actual potato is a lot more than a person who sits on their sofa television or playing video games. One of the why obesity rates are going up in the is because more and more entertainment is available television. Now television is not just for watching , people can watch movies, play video games, and surf the Internet. Potatoes and sofas have other in common, too. When most people are on couches interacting with television, they are also often snacks like potato chips. This is why so people in the United States are overweight.

Being couch potato can have other health risks besides gain. Because more and more people are sitting front of a television screen or even a screen, they aren't engaging in other physical activities exercising. This is one reason why heart disease a leading cause of death in the country. problem caused by this lack of exercise and screen time is weakness in muscles. There is impact on people's mental and emotional health, too. inside in front of a screen usually means person is spending less time interacting with friends loved ones. This can lead to isolation, depression, anxiety.

Being a couch potato is not just adults. More and more kids are being targeted television and the Internet. This is why more more children have weight associated health problems. This why the White House has programs like Let's , encouraging kids to engage in physical activity.