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01 - 25
26Elementary Schools in the U.S.
27Middle Schools in the U.S.
28High School in the U.S.
30Parent-Teacher Conferences
31Private Schools - An Expensive Educational Alternative
32The California College and University System
33Driving in the United States
34Pasadena Rose Parade
36Apartment Pets
37Non-traditional Wakes
38Homelessness in Los Angeles
40September 11th
41The California Redwoods and Giant Sequoias
42The California Highway Patrol
43The Golden Gate Bridge
44The San Francisco Cable Cars
45Car Chase Television
46Los Angeles Coroner's Office
47Museum Mile in New York City
48A Building for the Empire State
49The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World
50Rockefeller Center - Top of the Rock
51 - 75
75 - 100
101 - 128