1     2       
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12        13         


1. Six hot ___ are in the package.
4. He looks ___ the refrigerator.
8. He ___s the refrigerator door.
9. He ___s the hot dogs on a plate.
10. The ___ is in the kitchen. He opens the ___ door.
12. The hot dogs are in a ___ in the refrigerator.
14. He ___s the refrigerator door. He looks inside.
15. ___ dogs taste good with mustard.


2. He ___s a package of hot dogs.
3. Three plus three is ___.
5. He wants ___ to eat.
6. He puts the hot dogs on a ___.
7. He is ___. He wants something to eat.
11. He ___s two hot dogs out of the package.
13. He ___s a hot dog every day.