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1. He ___s the phone. He ___s the phone ringing.
5. He ___s up the phone. He says hello.
6. He finishes talking. He ___s up the phone.
7. Everyone ___s on the phone. Everyone listens on the phone.
8. The ___ rings.
9. She says ___. She hangs up the phone.
11. He loves ___ mom and dad. She loves her mom and dad.
13. Call your ___ on Mother's Day.


2. The phone ___s.
3. She ___es talking. She says goodbye.
4. He ___s for the bus. He ___s for 10 minutes.
6. ___...Talk, talk, talk....Finish talking....Goodbye.
8. I am a nice ___. My mom is a nice ___ too.
10. I have two pencils. One pencil is yellow. The ___ one is green.
12. He ___s hello. She ___s goodbye.