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28. Spock Saves His Dad
Spock is a main character in the popular
show "Star Trek." He is half Vulcan, half
. A Vulcan has no emotions but is extremely
and logical. Spock joined the all-human crew of
spaceship Enterprise to explore the universe. Spock’s dad,
, is Vulcan. He had wanted Spock to attend
Vulcan Science Academy and then join Sarek’s research
. When Spock left his family to join the
, Sarek refused to talk to him anymore.
episode, representatives from various planets had an emergency
. Sarek and Amanda (Spock’s human mom) came aboard
Enterprise. Spock said hello to his dad, but
ignored him.
The next day, Sarek had a
medical problem. He was losing a lot of
and needed immediate surgery. Spock was the only
on the Enterprise who also had Vulcan blood.
though he could die, Spock offered every drop
his blood to save his dad. Dr. "Bones"
operated on Sarek and saved his life.
day, when Sarek was told that his son
saved his life, he didn’t say thank you
Spock. Amanda got very angry with her husband.
told him that he should hug Spock and
him. Sarek refused. He said that his son
the logical thing.
"You don’t thank someone for
the logical thing," he told his wife. Spock
Amanda that his dad was right, which made
even angrier.