248. Shut Your Mouth

“Shut your mouth,” Ginger said as she looked Errol. He was looking at a green parrot in a tree.

“I didn’t even say anything,” objected. She knew that he hadn’t said anything; meant that his mouth was hanging half open.

do that all the time,” she said. “You silly. Sometimes I look around to see if are looking at you. They must think that 'm your caregiver.”

He apologized, saying he’d try to his mouth closed when he was looking at . “Not just when you’re looking at parrots. Whenever ’re not using your mouth for talking, you should your mouth closed. Look at me,” she said. demonstrated his “open mouth” position while looking at parrot. “See how dumb I look?” she said.

laughed. “You look as smart and pretty with mouth open as you do with your mouth ,” he said.

Since they’d already been dating for years, he asked, why hadn’t she said anything now? She said that she hadn’t wanted to his feelings before. But now that she’d decided they weren’t going to get married, and maybe weren’t even going to continue dating, she felt was okay to be completely honest with him.

asked her if there were other things she not told him.

“Your underarms smell,” she said, “ after you take a shower.” He told her the musky smell was actually attractive to some . “Well, feel free to share it with them,” said.

He hoped she wasn’t serious about that, he decided against asking her.