Across: |
1. | You shouldn't ___ your nose in other people's business. | 4. | It's not polite to reach for or ___ something at the dinner table; ask someone to pass it to you. | 6. | Some (very lucky) people live their ___ life without getting sick even one day. | 8. | Women like to wear ___ tops in summer because the tops leave their shoulders bare and keep them cool. | 11. | ___ after dinner can be pastry, ice cream, or fresh fruit. | 12. | Children like to stick their ___s out at each other to make fun. | 14. | Farmers get up before sunrise to do many of their daily ___s. | 15. | Tiger Woods used to ___ all over the golf course until fans complained about how disgusting his ___ting was. | 16. | People whose teeth are close together must buy extra strong ___ to use between their teeth. | 17. | If the cuffs and pockets of your slacks begin to ___, it's time to buy new slacks. |
Down: |
2. | Without Thomas A. Edison and thousands of ___ors like him, what would the world be like today? | 3. | After you eat, you should brush, floss, and ___ your mouth with a non-alcoholic mouthwash. | 4. | Singers frequently ___ with salt water before each performance to moisten and soothe their throats. | 5. | A loving mother will go to any ___ to provide food and shelter for her child. | 7. | Dentists recommend that people use a gel ___ that includes fluoride to help fight tooth decay. | 9. | The professor's only ___ with the law in the last 10 years was a warning about his tinted car windows. | 10. | Kids think fruits are ___; they dislike vegetables, because they don't taste good. | 13. | You should visit your ___ hygienist at least once a year so she can scrape all the tartar off your teeth. |