Across: |
2. | If you have a splitting ___, it might be a migraine. More men than women have migraines. | 4. | The public address system at the airport ___ people who are wanted or needed by others. | 6. | If your English instructor wants you to write an ___, you can cheat by buying an ___ at (Don't do it!) | 7. | The student ___ed her English writing class after she turned in an essay she had bought online. (See? Don't do it!) | 8. | The whole family had ___ stomachaches and diarrhea. They figured it was food poisoning. | 10. | Supporters of ___ ___ lost to NRA supporters when the Supreme Court allowed handgun ownership in Washington, DC. | 11. | The police officer was giving a handgun safety demonstration when he ___ped the gun; it went off, shooting him in the leg. | 13. | "This is my own, my ___ land!" --Sir Walter Scott, Scottish writer | 14. | Even a ___ cut can become infected, so wash and clean all cuts immediately. | 15. | The bridge collapse was a ___ example of government agencies failing to do their jobs. |
Down: |
1. | The algebra teacher tried to explain the solution, but most of the students ___ none of the explanation. | 2. | ___ in school is a way of preparing you for all the work you'll be taking home from the office. | 3. | ___ is the dominant language of business people worldwide. | 5. | With a ___ of only about 3,000 words, you can "get by" in English. | 9. | The English ___ contains at least 500,000 words, and new words are being added daily! | 12. | The ink you buy for your ___er is a whole lot more expensive than the $4/gallon gas you put in your car. (Where's the outrage?) |