105. A Teddy Bear

Sally loved her brown stuffed teddy bear. It old, worn out, and missing an eye, but loved it all the same. One day her took her to the neighborhood playground, so that could play with her friend Johnny. Johnny's mom friends with Sally's mom. Seeing that she never the house without her bear, Sally's mom took teddy bear with her.

After Sally had played enough, she fell asleep on her mom's arms. mom put her back into the small mini-van drove back home. As she was putting Sally sleep, she woke up and asked for her bear. The mom went looking for it in mini-van, but she couldn't find it. She went Sally's room and told her that the bear been lost. Sally started crying. She cried all until she fell asleep.

As Sally's mom was the dining-room table, she heard a knock at door. She opened it, and saw Johnny's mom at the doorstep with the old worn-out bear. started jumping with joy and thanked Johnny's mom. 's mom walked slowly into Sally's room, raised up 's blanket, and placed the bear under Sally's arms. then turned around to Sally's desk looking at picture of Sally's dad giving her the bear he left to the army. She smiled and Sally on the forehead, then gave one to bear as well.