L and R Combos


Part 1: Which do you hear? R or L

Example: bright

1. fly
2. clash
3. play
4. fright
5. crowd
6. light
7. correct
8. glass

Part 2: Which word is different?

Example: brush � blush � brush

1. glow � grow � grow
2. fright � fright � flight
3. frame � flame � frame
4. pray � play � play
5. bright � bright � blight

Part 3: Repeat these words

1. glean � green
2. flies - fries
3. cloud - crowd
4. elect � erect
5. collect � correct
6. glass � grass
7. present � pleasant

Part 4: Now repeat the following sentences. If the word has a R sound, put a check on your paper.

Example: It sure is a bright day.

1. That is an interesting cloud.
2. Don�t step on that grass.
3. They have to correct the papers.
4. Those frames look very warm.
5. The crowd came quickly.
6. It�s important to have time to play.
7. Wow! That�s really glowing.
8. We want the one that�s right.