Win and Wing


Part 1: Recognition: Number 1 to 6. I�ll say 3 words, which one is different (1, 2, or 3)

Example: win � wing � wing

1. din din ding
2. fans fangs fans
3. sun sung sung
4. gone gong gong
5. hand hand hanged
6. singer sinner singer

Part 2: Recognition: Which do you hear? I�ll say a word. Is it N or NG sound?

Example: wing

1. bang
2. thin
3. gong
4. ton
5. rung
6. sung
7. lawn
8. stun

Part 3: Which do you hear?

1. a. They want to wing it. / b. They want to win it.
2. a. She didn�t get the ton. / b. She didn�t get the tongue.
3. a. She didn�t want to be a sinner. / b. She didn�t want to be a singer.
4. a. How long is the run? / b. How long is the rung?
5. a. They love their kin. / b. They love their king.

Part 4: Sentences

1. Imagine having wings and flying in the sky.
2. They like to run that marathon every year.
3. She can�t win that match, so she�s giving up.
4. They bought a nice banner to put in front of their business.
5. How many things are you bringing with you on the trip?
6. We like her bangs. They really look nice.