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103. What Do You Wear?
Different workers wear different clothes to work. A
wears a swim suit. Many workers have uniforms.
at Burger Hut wear black shirts. The managers
black shirts, too. The managers also wear ties.
and painters wear coveralls. The coveralls protect their
. The coveralls protect their clothes from oil and
. Pilots wear blue or black uniforms. Sometimes they
white shirts. Nurses wear white uniforms. Doctors wear
jackets. Bus drivers and soldiers wear uniforms. Policemen
firemen wear blue uniforms. Prisoners wear orange uniforms.
is a bright color. Orange uniforms are easy
see. Prisoners can’t hide in their orange uniforms.
wear white jackets and tall white hats. Cowboys
jeans and boots. Clowns wear big plastic noses
big shoes. Fashion models wear beautiful clothes. Most
don’t wear uniforms. Teachers and truck drivers wear
clothes. Most workers wear regular clothes.