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6. He had red bites on his ___, chest, back, and legs. He had an angry look on his ___.
7. Did he have red bites on his back and ___? Your ___ is above your stomach.
8. Did he have red bites ___ over his body? He was tired because he stayed up ___ night.
9. The doctor told him to ___ a dog so the fleas would bite the dog.
10. He had red bites on his chest and ___. Lift heavy objects with your legs, not with your ___.
12. He didn't have red bites on his hands or ___. He put his socks on his ___.
13. Did he have red bites all over his ___? Every___ should see a doctor once a year.
14. A. What color were the bites? B. The bites were ___, like the color of a fire truck.
17. Get a dog so the fleas will bite the dog ___ of biting you.


1. Dr. is a popular abbreviation for ___. A ___ works in a hospital.
2. He had red bites all ___ his body. Come ___ here.
3. I am the ___. You are the doctor. A doctor listens to the ___'s problem.
4. He had red bites on his ___s but not on his feet. Your feet are connected to your ___s.
5. A. Did he have red bites all over his body? B. Yes, he ___ red bites all over his body.
6. You have ___s. You should get a dog so the ___s will bite the dog. ___s love to bite dogs and cats.
10. Why don't you have red ___s on your hands?
11. I don't ___ why. You are supposed to ___ why. A doctor is supposed to ___ everything.
12. Feet is the plural of ___. He didn't have red bites on either ___.
15. Get a ___ so the fleas will bite the ___ instead of biting you. ___s bark.
16. He didn't have red bites on his feet or ___s. Use your ___s to hold things.