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2. Students go to private schools or ___ schools.
5. I hear a bad ___ in your engine. Take your car to a mechanic.
6. ___s break the law. ___s commit crimes.
7. A policeman is a ___.
11. A ___ commits terror. He kills people.
12. The cop has a badge and a ___.
14. The policeman shines his ___. He pins it on his shirt.
15. Many cops wear blue ___s.


1. The ___ arrests the criminal. He takes him to jail.
3. The man's ___ is suspicious. The cops watch him carefully.
4. She sees lipstick on her husband's shirt collar. She is ___.
6. He wears a baseball ___ on his head.
8. A bulletproof vest ___s cops from bullets.
9. The police ___ around in the subway station. They watch everybody closely.
10. He bends the ___ of the page in the book.
13. She ___s black shoes every day.