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3. ___ Day is December 25.
4. If you don't ___ someone, you don't believe them either.
7. Don't ___ without saying goodbye.
9. Are you ___? Do you want to be thin?
10. Don't say ___ things to people. You will hurt their feelings.


1. The 99 Cents ___ is a popular place to shop.
2. Do you want to put your apples in a paper or plastic ___?
3. She got a nice ___ for her birthday. It said Happy Birthday!
5. We ___ in a hotel when we travel. Why does she ___ with her boyfriend?
6. The 99 ___s store sells items for less than a dollar.
8. The 99 Cents store sells a lot of ___ items. They're not expensive.
9. She looked everywhere, but she couldn't ___ her keys.