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1. A ___ is a pattern of horizontal and vertical lines. The lines are usually the same distance apart.
4. The ___ team went into the mountains to look for the lost hiker.
7. Try to ___ the words in the list to the words in the grid.
8. Kids love to play ___ and go seek. One kid __s, and then the other kids look for him.
9. ___ is up and down. It is different from horizontal.
11. A ___ of things to do. A grocery ___ of items to buy. A ___ of words to look for in the grid.
12. There are many kinds of ___s--crossword ___s, Word Search ___s, and jigsaw ___s are three examples.


2. Words on the grid can be horizontal, vertical, or ___.
3. The grid contains 100 ___s or more. A ___ has four equal sides.
5. ___ = left to right, or right to left; vertical = up and down
6. A ___ is a group of things that have something in common. Fruit is a ___. Meat is a ___. Fish is a ___.
10. Finding the words in Word Search is ___, because the words are hidden very well. You cannot trust a ___ person.