Pan and Pen


Part 1: Recognition: Number 1 to 6. I�ll say 3 words, which one is different (1,2, or 3)

Example: pan � pan � pen

1. send � sand � send
2. pat � pet � pet
3. leather � lather - leather
4. past � past � pest
5. beg � bag � beg
6. guess � guess � gas

Part 2: Recognition: Which do you hear? I�ll say a word. Is it the e or the a sound?

Example: set

1. mash
2. tend
3. met
4. pack
5. latter
6. sacks
7. blend
8. flesh

Part 3: Practice after recognition

1. a. Did you see the man? / b. Did you see the men?
2. a. That looks like a nice pen. / b. That looks like a nice pan.
3. a. Call me about the gem. / b. Call me about the jam.
4. a. They got a perfect ten. / b. They got a perfect tan.
5. a. It was a good hem. / b. It was a good ham.
6. a. He got hurt on the trek. / b. He got hurt on the track.
7. a. Send it carefully. / b. Sand it carefully
8. a.She didn�t want to talk about the pest. / b.She didn�t want to talk about the past.
9. a. The men will come. / b. The man will come.
10. a. The pen leaks. / b. The pan leaks.