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45. Man Gets 12 Years for Fraud
A federal judge sentenced Bruce Jones to 12
in federal prison for fraud. Over a 10-year
, Jones had managed to swindle almost $10 million
thousands of gullible people throughout the state.
his fantastic ideas on TV. "For some reason,"
said, "TV seems to break the ice. Even
you are a total stranger to the viewer,
he sees you on TV in his home,
feels like he knows you. You enter his
room and become a trusted friend."
Jones had
imagination that wouldn’t quit. One time he showed
an "official government" earthquake report which “proved” that
western half of California would collapse into the
within three years. For $100, he said, Jones
insure your house and property for full value.
of people who saw that TV ad sent
a hundred dollars each.
In another TV ad,
claimed that he had negotiated with the federal
state government for exclusive air rights. He told
that, for only $100, they could own the
10 miles above all their property. You would
able to charge any commercial plane that flew
your property $100 per crossing. You would also
able to charge government rockets, satellites, space shuttles,
space stations $100 for each and every violation
your air rights.
Another time, Jones claimed to
invented a product that gets rid of calories.
showed the viewers a spray can of "NoCal."
said that by simply spraying NoCal on your
, a chemical interaction would cause all the calories
the food to simply evaporate within about 10
. The NoCal was only $10 a can. As
, Jones received thousands of checks in the mail.
judge told Jones that he should be ashamed
himself. Jones responded that he was very ashamed
himself, and that when he got out of
he hoped to become a TV consultant to
people avoid getting scammed. He told the judge
he was already developing an instructional CD that,
merely $100, would save people thousands of dollars
scams. The judge nodded, and then changed Jones’s
from 10 years to 12 years.