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1. ___ is inflammation of the liver.
5. A pickup ___. A fire ___. A big rig.
6. ___ people are ill people.
9. ___ all the instruments before surgery.
12. She felt ___, as if she had a high temperature.
15. Her cold ___ed for weeks and weeks. It wouldn't go away.
16. The fire killed everyone in the bar. Nobody ___d.
17. He ___ged his shoulders.
18. People get bacterial or ___ infections.
19. A. What are your ___s? B. My nose is running and my eyes are teary.
20. She sees her medical doctor ___ for her physical.


2. When you're sick, you eat less. You lose your ___.
3. After you have measles, you don't get them again. You're ___ to them.
4. Some people drink warm milk to calm an ___ stomach.
7. There is no ___ for cancer, but researchers are looking for one.
8. Your ___ is in your abdomen. It secretes bile. Many people like to eat ___.
10. Wash your hands ___ before you eat and after you use the bathroom.
11. He ___s the piece of heavy lumber on the ground behind him.
13. The doctor gave him a shot for the viral ___. The ___ was making him sick.
14. ___ cow! ___ moly! ___ mackerel!