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1. He ___d his name on the base of the statue.
3. The house belongs ___ to me. Nobody else owns it.
6. ___ my body in a furnace after I die. Then put my ashes in an urn.
7. The ___ of my dead aunt are in the urn on the mantel.
8. Many boxes are ___ed up almost to the ceiling.
11. My ___ include 4 cousins, 3 nieces, and 2 nephews.
12. FBI = Federal ___ of Investigation
16. Try to treat everyone you meet with dignity and ___.
17. These boxes ___ all her old photos.
18. This piece of land is valuable ___. A developer will build condos on it.


1. The ___ inspected all the boxes.
2. Will you speak at my ___ when I die?
4. Arrange everything in the closet ___ so I can find things quickly.
5. Many boxes are made of ___.
6. A ___ is where the bodies of dead people are buried.
9. He was poor, but he had ___. He demanded respect.
10. The security guard did a ___ check of all the locked doors.
13. The ___ of the body occurred at the cemetery.
14. Our dear ___ed loved ones are all in heaven.
15. ___ is short for condominium.