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1 - 20
21 - 40
41 - 60
61 - 80
81He Goes to War to Save His Baby
82English Is Confusing
83Pump Up the Tires and Ride the Bike
84Don't Go Swimming on an Empty Stomach
85The Park That Went to the Dogs
86Brother, Can You Spare a Carburetor?
87Golf Like a Girl, Manage Like a Man
88Take Me Out to the Ball Game
89Take This Job and Shove It
90Where Did That Book Go?
91When You've Got Your Health, You've Got Everything
92It Doesn't Have That 'New Car' Smell
93Rich Man Invites Poor Student to Dinner
94 It Only Rings When I'm in the Bathroom
95It Was an Old, Worthless Clock
96Schoolboys Get Five-Finger Discount on Candy
97Collecting Seashells at the Seashore
98Check Your Bags at the Store Entrance
99When I Retire, We Will See the World
100Get Me a Caffe Latte or Go to Jail
101 - 120
121 - 140
141 - 155