Murals Are Over 200 Years Old
What are the 23 murals about?
- About religious scenes from the Bible.
- About ordinary people’s lives.
- About two men hunting a tiger.
- About nature.
Who discovered the trap door?
- Two artists.
- Two painters.
- An artist and a painter.
- Two historians.
What were the murals like?
- They were in wonderful condition since they were wrapped.
- They were very dirty.
- They were almost damaged.
- They were in wonderful condition though unprotected.
Where are the 23 murals now?
- They are on display at the Museum of Native American Art.
- They are at the Museum of Native American Art.
- They are still where they were.
- They are in different places.
Which of the following is true?
- The 23 murals will be on display next month.
- The 23 murals were created by Native Americans in the 1700s.
- Many people had been to the church and knew about the 23 murals.
- The 23 murals are very ordinary.