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01 - 25
26Monkeys at the Zoo
27He Is a Chocolate Lover
28The Circus Is in Town
29Is There Life on the Moon?
30A Penny Collector
31Red Trees and Red Cats
32Comics in the Newspaper
33Bright Stars in the Night Sky
34A Water Fountain in the Park
35She Feeds Her Cats
36He Builds a Snowman
37She Swims Every Day
38She Rides Her Skateboard
39He Gets a Weekly Allowance
40She Plays Basketball
41Everyone Loves Babies
42He Rides an Old Bicycle
43Ants in the Kitchen
44A Popsicle House
45A Boxer Dog Named Duke
46Two Boys and a Baseball
47The Snow Melts on the Ground
48An Orange and Black Butterfly
49Camping in the Woods
50Ride a Carousel Horse
51 - 75
75 - 100