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Employee: Hi! Welcome to Lucky Strike. How are you doing today?
Mike: We're fine, thank you. Can we please get two rounds of bowling.
Employee: Alright. How many lanes do you guys want?
Mike: Just one for the three of us.
Employee: Sure, one lane. Can you please give me your shoe sizes?
Mike: I'm ten and a half.
Maria: I'm size nine.
Doug: I'm a size twelve.
Employee: Thank you very much. Here are your bowling shoes. Your lane is
number nine. Just over there. Have fun and play safe.
(Mike pays the employee. The three walk to their lane and put on their bowling shoes.)
Mike: Are you guys ready to bowl?
Maria: Don't we have to put our names on the computer first?
Mike: You're right, Maria. How could I forget? I'll just put down my regular name.
Maria: You can just put down my regular name, too.
Mike: What about you, Doug? Do you want me to just put Doug?
Doug: No, I want a funny name for mine. Type Big Bad Bowler Doug.
Mike: I don't think it fits that many letters.
Doug: Fine, just put my regular name.
(Mike, Doug, and Maria play their first round, and Mike wins the game.)
Maria: Wow, I didn't know you were such a good bowler, Mike.
Doug: Yeah, me neither. When did you become so good, Mike?
Mike: I don't know. I've always just played casually. I think it might just be
good luck.
Doug: Well, we have one more round to play. Let's find out if that's true or not.
Maria: These bowling balls are kind of heavy.
Mike: There are smaller ones over here, Maria.
Maria: Oh, I didn't see them.
(The night ends in laughter and dinner at the Lucky Strike restaurant.)