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Mike: I wonder what happened up ahead. You think there was an accident?
Maria: I was just about to ask you that very same question. I'm sure that's what
it is.
Mike: Well, it looks like we're going to be here for a while.
Maria: That's a shame. I kind of need to use the restroom.
Mike: You think you could hold it until we get home?
Maria: Looks like I don't have any other choice. Don't worry about me.
Mike: I hate traffic. Why did I get on the freeway, Maria?
Maria: Because it was the quickest way to get back home.
Mike: Not anymore. At least it will give us a chance to talk. How did you like the double date?
Maria: I liked it. I thought it was a fun experience. We should do it more
Mike: I didn't like it so much.
Maria: Are you serious? It seemed like you were having such a great time.
Mike: I was pretending to have a great time. I felt like the other couple were
too annoying.
Maria: I never would have guessed that. So much for doing that again.
Mike: I'm sorry, Maria. If you really want to go out with them again, we'll do it.
Maria: No, that's alright. I wouldn't want to put you through something you
don't like again.
Mike: Thank you for understanding, Maria. You're the best.
(Mike reaches over to kiss Maria on the cheek.)
Maria: I love you, Mike.
Mike: I love you, too, honey.
Maria: At least the food was good.
Mike: I'm with you with that. Let's go back to that restaurant, just the two of
us, one of these days.
Maria: Alright, you got it.
Mike: I hope this traffic starts moving soon.
Maria: Hey look! The traffic is moving.
Mike: Finally! It's about time. Let's get on home.